Air Guitar

Air Guitar

From the publisher...

A User's Guide: What Every Axeman Needs to Know

Freddie Mercury did it. Hormone-addled adolescents do it. Grown men do it in the privacy of their own homes (and, sometimes, in dark public gatherings) — and now you, too, can take your first step toward becoming a master axeman. All you need to know is here:

• Dos and don'ts (and even accessories — from how to choose the "axe" that's best for you, to onstage tips)

• A user's guide to the key air guitar moves, and more — graded by difficulty, from learner to master axeman level.

• 50 fret-fondling favorites to play — plus ten to avoid at all costs...

Remeber, it's never too early or too late to start strumming. All you need is a copy of htis book, and a belief in the power of rock!!